Short Stories: Sarah’s Reluctant Fighter!
A short romantic story about a teenage girl whose passion for dancing makes her meet the true love of her...
A short romantic story about a teenage girl whose passion for dancing makes her meet the true love of her...
Story Title: Friends at the Lake Genre: Kids Characters: Nova, Coco (Nova's mother), Elvis (Nova's friend), Finn (Nova's friend), Rocco...
Story Title: Kat—the cat Episode 1 Genre: Kids Characters: Kat (a cat), Turty (a turtle), Piggie (a pig), Batty (little...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Chapter 3 Genre: Horror Story Title: Siya’s Ghost's Revelation Characters: Siya, Rosey, Gary, Peter (more…)
Chapter 2 Genre: Horror Story Title: Siya’s Unhappy Ghost Characters: Siya, Rosey, Gary, Peter (more…)
Chapter 1 Genre: Horror Story Title: Siya's Secret Ghost Characters: Siya, Rosey, Peter, Gary (more…)
The Page family arrived at the train terminals to board a train. Barry (Nova’s father), Coco (Nova’s mother), Lola (Nova’s...