Short Stories: Sarah’s First Jealousy!

LoveA short romantic story about a teenage girl whose passion for dancing makes her meet the true love of her life. Read how Sarah meets Joe in a night club while strip-dancing to her favourite song here. In this part, you will read about Sarah’s first jealousy moment when she sees Joe with a girl in his office and the turmoil she fights to trust in her love. Sarah’s life is a mix of romance & erotica, which will bring you to ecstasy!

“Lying on you has become my new wildest desire.” I moved closer moving upwards on his chest and kissing his chin.

My hands moved to his chest and rested. My lips moved up towards his right cheek and sucked the skin in. He closed his eyes and let it all come to him. It’s been a month since we have been together and we have managed to see each other every day either before or after our work.

I moved my body over him to create friction at all the right places while he kept shifting with discomfort. Over the days, I have learnt to make him wait and frustrate him to the extent that he is compelled to let his inner animal out. And that’s the side of him I simply love. My hands moved to his thighs and roamed at the edges avoiding the core. I assaulted his chest with my lips and continued to play the seduction game with him with my hands.

“Are you going to the next level?” He chimed. I giggled and denied with a head movement. He made a frustrated sound and grabbed me by the waist. He twisted, and we were upside down in no time. “Enough of your little games, baby.”

I wondered how far we have come from our first encounter at the club where I was a little too keen on showing off my body and playing a woman with too much experience in her small intimacy bag. Now, he sees the real me and still likes me for the person I am. I involuntarily smiled.

He groaned against my smiling lips and kissed hard as we enjoyed the juices of our wild passion. My hands rounded him and held him close to me. He was quick in assaulting and frustrating me and I started moaning with hunger—all he had to do was suck and lick at the right places.

“Please, Joe.” He accepted my pleadings and offered what I craved for. No sooner had he started, I reached my climax. He wasn’t far behind and we lied on the bed in a heap of tired bodies. But for us, the night had only started, and this was the first of many.

Next day, in the mid of afternoon, I walked down the streets of my small-town near Chicago peeping through the shop windows. There wasn’t much to buy, but I enjoyed window-shopping. My phone rang, and I pulled the handset out.


“Sarah dear, it’s been ages we haven’t seen you.”

I laughed and replied, “It’s only been a month, tiger.” Every dancer, be a man or a woman, at Foxy Hoochies had a code name. Unfortunately, the most underserved man got a solid code. Even though, he didn’t perform anymore, the code stuck.

Soon after meeting Joe, I had moved to a different job, just so that I didn’t have to be surrounded by people wanting to be in my pants all the time. Then why was Tiger calling me today?

“Whatever. I want to see you now.”

“I can’t. I am sorry.”

“I don’t want your sorry, I want only you. I’ll pay you.”

“Tiger, you know I don’t do it for money anymore.”

“Start doing it again, sweetheart. Not only you’ll enjoy but you’ll earn also.”

“I did it for money a few times only to finance myself for my studies. I don’t have to anymore.” A year back, I received my grandpa’s money after he passed away with an untimely death. Though I was heartbroken, despite we didn’t stay under the same roof, but the money definitely came to good use.

“Why?” he was loud and arrogant, “You trapped a poor bird, I heard. Didn’t you work smart! A handsome man to fulfill your desire and pay for your expenses.” His laughter vibrated through the phone.

“Don’t you dare talk like that to me. We are together because we like each other.”

“How far? Don’t you want different flavors in your life? If you do want this flavor, I am a call away or find me at Foxy Hoochies tonight.” He hung up.

I was disturbed with this call and my wavering thoughts made me uneasy. I was working hard to make my career in medicine. Once my results were out, I would start my internship and earn enough for a simple living. I had enough savings to fund my days till the results, and working at the boring cafe made sure my living expenses were tended. I had thoughts of resuming my work at the bar, but this time I would join as a bartender to keep the touchy customers on the other side of the partition. I liked my friends at Foxy and missed spending time with them. Sounded like a good plan to me because now I didn’t need an extra income for food and entertainment. Spending time with Joe ensured I had everything without paying from my pockets. Bartending job will add to my savings. 

Without a second thought, I headed towards Joe’s office. Sometimes I wandered how I’ll cope up when Joe finished his project in this small town and left for his big city life. No matter how much I tried hiding, I was a little too much invested in him. This thought was for another time and day to ponder upon.

Within 20 minutes of walking, I reached his office reception area on the 5th floor of a very popular commercial building.

“Hello,” I asked the front desk receptionist.

The receptionist asked me for a minute as she was on a call with someone. She turned and spoke in whispered tone. Looked like she was having a personal conversation. I silently slid from the counter and walked through the open door to the office area. Since I had come once to his office before for lunch, I knew where his cabin was.

I was already feeling better thinking about meeting him in the same cabin we had met a week back and anticipating what will happen this time.

Last time when we had met, we had done more than just eating lunch.

My walk to his cabin was pleasant and I smiled to every passer-by. At a turn, I peeped into the pantry to see Joe holding a girl’s shoulders with his arms. My first assumption was she is a good friend of his. No sooner, I moved inside the pantry door, the girl moved closer and rested her head on his chest. I was not able to hear the conversation between them. The fear of “something not right” was eating me and I could not stand there staring. While I moved closer, he pushed the girl away and held her at arms’ length. I stood watching them with emotions floating in and out.

“You are mine,” the girl shouted and walked away. I was in a shocked state, transfixed to my spot at the entrance of the pantry. I wasn’t sure how much time passed by or how Joe came right in front of me.

“Are you alright?”

I looked in his eyes and saw concern. For what? Is he concerned that I will stop having a physical relationship with him after knowing he is fu*** another girl.

“I am fine,” I whispered in a dazed state. He did not look convinced. I continued, “I came to see you because I had some time before my shift at the café starts.”

“Let’s go to my cabin and talk.”

“That’s all you want to do?” I half teased him.

I had so many questions running through my head –

Why would he want to have more when he already had a new woman in his life? Was he double-timing me? Why was I feeling sad from knowing this? Did he take me as someone who didn’t take sleeping-with-man as a commitment but just an act to be done with? I wasn’t like that and never had a physical relationship with anyone if there was no commitment or monogamy.

Joe closed his cabin door, walked me to the table and cornered me. His hands resting on the table surface and his breath on my face.

I looked in his eyes and saw desire flashing for me. I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “Will you not kiss me?”

My fear was evident in my voice. But, without asking any question, he kissed me passionately. His right hand went inside my shirt blouse and I squirmed. He never wasted any time in getting skin-to-skin and to give me more pleasure. He knew I was a little ticklish and he purposely did it which made me squirm more. Holding me loosely with his one hand, his free hand pulled the buttons of my shirt free and pulled the shirt’s shoulder down. Sucking and kissing his way down, he touched every part of my body with his expert hands. Lifting me up, he put me on the table and pushed me on my back. In no time, he was out of his own clothes and in me. Time flied, and I forgot my disappointment and lived in the moment. He was slow and sensuous, not as he preferred, fast and rough. Soon, we both just lied silently with satisfied smiles on our faces. 

“Now tell me what bothered you?” he pushed a strand of my hair aside and caressed my face, still lying on me over the table. Most of his weight was leaned on his right elbow while his other hand caressed my face.

“If you want to move on, I can accept it.” My eyes were pricking, and I hoped I won’t start crying.

“I don’t want to. Why you think I do?”

“I saw it. You with her. You both look great together.” I managed a smile.

“No, we don’t look great together. And you know I don’t settle for less.” He smiled devilishly. I blushed and said, “Are you sure?”

“Never so sure before. And the girl you saw with me is my agent from the city who I used to date. She has not accepted our break-up and I can’t leave her miserable.” I raised my eyes with question, but he added, “So I keep trying to make her understand there will never be anything between us.”

I must have frowned because he corrected himself, “There will never be anything between me and her.”

“You’ll survive,” I smiled innocently.

“I hope you do too now.” He smirked and I understood the innuendo in his words which made me blush more.

“What?” I whispered.

“Someone needs to be taught a lesson or two about jealousy.” He threatened me light-heartedly and I squealed; I knew his threats were never to be taken lightly.

I squinted my eyes to state my displeasure towards his threat. Why shouldn’t I? After all it was just my first jealousy.

(Whereas, Joe knew in his heart that she was far into him than she realized. It wasn’t just a little jealousy, it was a heart-breaking, soul-shattering one for her, which she was hiding well. If he had admitted to having a serious relationship with his agent in the past, his angel would have slowly killed herself through doubts. All he wanted for them was to be together while she focused on her career and achieved her dreams. And he would do everything to make it happen, but discreetly. He knew well to just take one step at a time.)

With his devil smile back, he leaned forward and took my rosy lips with his desperate one. Our kissing continued till we were tired, and then waited till the night for some serious lesson for my first jealousy.

END: Before leaving the office, she met that agent and warned her to stay away from him. And finally, it worked!

Next Episode: Sarah’s Reluctant Fighter!

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