Quotes: Imagination
If you are a writer, you would know!✍ Our own personal space!! No one can stop us from entering and...
If you are a writer, you would know!✍ Our own personal space!! No one can stop us from entering and...
Never had I thought I'll become a writer and make a whole new world for me. It's everything I had...
Rejection is not the end of your story... don't give it a heartbreaking climax! (more…)
Don't wander off thinking anything that affects your positivity and the spirit to live a happier life. (more…)
'Writing is an old medicine to diseases like heartache, broken-dreams, skinny hopes, fat tears and much more.' (more…)
Books have the power to rearrange our lives! (more…)
Don't let go of your dream in exchange of another dream that you feel is easily achievable. Hold on to...
That's you... That's me... And that's everyone who puts an effort to write! (more…)
Too many scattered thoughts running in my head, but they settle down when I sit to write them. And what...
In one whole life --- Too many things to think through, too many feelings to deal with, too much physical...