Short Story: Nova Series—Friends at the Lake
Story Title: Friends at the Lake Genre: Kids Characters: Nova, Coco (Nova's mother), Elvis (Nova's friend), Finn (Nova's friend), Rocco...
Story Title: Friends at the Lake Genre: Kids Characters: Nova, Coco (Nova's mother), Elvis (Nova's friend), Finn (Nova's friend), Rocco...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
The Page family arrived at the train terminals to board a train. Barry (Nova’s father), Coco (Nova’s mother), Lola (Nova’s...
He was a hardworking member of the family — taking responsibilities to support and nurture his loved ones. Never was...
Nova's Tales: Series of stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. This story focuses...
Nova's Tales: Series of short stories about a school kid who is notorious and troubles everyone around him. In this...
"Let’s go play in the rain," Alex danced on tip toes. Sushi jumped off the bed and so did their...
“Sounds interesting to me. How are we going to do that?” queried Dex. Every eye was on Fin and they...