Quotes: Lazy Cat
Let me clear out something: I am not like a lazy cat... More like a cat that lazes around when...
Let me clear out something: I am not like a lazy cat... More like a cat that lazes around when...
Do you agree? You have many people you love in your life so why say no when asked 'Do you...
Everyday hasn't been fair on us, yet we floated through the hurdles and turbulence that life threw at us —...
Love is not a tag or a term used to define a relationship between two people; it is that one...
Be innocent but never be ignorant! It's definitely a fashion to wear sheep's clothing & when looked closely, you'll find...
Initially, listening or reading about corona pandemic made us panic, and now the same news made us irritated. Today is...
Don't wander off thinking anything that affects your positivity and the spirit to live a happier life. (more…)
A night has many faces; some nights are liked by some and disliked by some... yet, it makes a beautiful...
Don't rely on others to give you answers for your life... you are the only one to give the right...
Lock up all those memories that bothers you and stops you from living larger than life! (more…)