Reasons Why Sister-in-law is Better than Brother-in-law!!


If she is younger to you, you get a sister you can pamper and if she is elder, you get pampered. 😉


You can always enjoy your girl talks and private conversations which cannot happen with your brother-in-law. Well, every girl needs insights in particular topics related to love and intimacy. 


Boys don’t gossip nor do they like to watch soapy serials. Your only friend in crime is your sister or sister-in-law. Don’t forget the fairy-tale and chick flicks, guys hate them. ?


You don’t have to go alone for shopping or hunt for a companion. You always have her available for the best loved activity by girls. You can go on for hours with her and no one cribs. 😛


You are poured with gifts or random offerings. Your brother-in-law won’t get you something when he goes for shopping (You won’t even cross his mind) but your sister-in-law brings you something that she thinks will suit you best. 🙂


You get a helping hand in running the errands at home. After a tiring day, she is your rescuer when she helps in cooking and cleaning, also other various tasks. ?


Oh, when going for a party or dinner, who helps you in deciding what to wear and what suits for the occasion. Even approving whether the outfit and hairdo and makeup is appropriate or not. Well, at least I can’t go and ask my Brother-in-law. ?


Our mischief are countless. We openly and fearlessly irritate and trouble and play around. Our little jokes on things and people are laughing matter that privately stays with us forever. ?


Enjoying spa and leisure activities with your sister-in-law. A small talk and relaxing through the therapy is the best activity to enjoy with a company that you like.?


You both also become the firing tank against your husband, making him alone in the fighting battle. She stands for you and vice-verse. 


You can expect an honest reply and advice from her. She is a benefactor when you are in need. You can blindly rely on her.


Hey, wanna have a little fun. Let’s tease the poor husband to the core, he feels you both are blood-related, and not him and her. It’s never been so much fun. A brother-in-law is likely to take his end.


She acts as a bridge that connects you and your husband when you had heated fights or distancing oneself. She takes the initiative without you telling her, and acts like a glue and fixes everything.


Your issues with your mother-in-law never bothers either of you, because she solves it before it grows. She helps you when you need to get something done and receive approval from your mother-in-law.


She knows your likes and dislikes by heart. Never does she forces you to do something that you don’t like rather she would take the task on her. 


When you get in a situation with your relatives, she comes to your relief. She knows what you can take and what not, she saves you from your not-so-easy relatives.


How can she read your face? Is she an expert in physiognomy? She understands your sour mood, or if you don’t feel at your best. And accordingly, she helps you to come out of it.


She easily and readily becomes a part of your life. It is like having a sister you never had. It’s always fun to have a sister and that wish is fulfilled by her. She turns out to be the best thing after your husband that happens when you get married. 

Cherish every moment with her till she gets married. Because, she is likely to have her new friend in her sister-in-law and all you can do is miss her. 

Read more: 10 Mistakes Women Make When Falling in a Relationship


  • Shibani Shah

    Shibani Shah, the founder of T.I.W and the author of His Love Play, believes in the art of writing and spreading her learning through the one open communication method she understands - interacting through words. Her writing has also appeared on AnimationXpress.

    Shibani Shah
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