Love is Either a Daring Adventure or Nothing!!

Do you have a partner? What do you do together? Sit back and relax in front of the TV or go for movies or have dinner at places you have visited thousand times? Ask yourself what is your definition of fun. When you can’t figure out, consider doing the following than you can say your definition of fun is actual FUN.

Jump & Dive

Such a heavenly dive, holding hands, swimming parallel, with your partner. A little fun by twisting and turning and playing, letting your partner catch you- running & following, floating together. Don’t forget the kisses here & there on the cheeks & lips.

This is unlimited romance under the water.

Sleep in the open

“Let’s cuddle and keep ourselves warm” dream of every couple. What’s better than holding each other and cuddling beneath the blanket under the open sky? The feel of the night, the touch of the breeze and the view of the sky is all that a couple should experience. The peaceful and the happiest sleep one can get.

Under-water dinner

When on a date, who cares about the food? Ambiance is what makes the mood. A guy should have ‘dinner under water’ on his Must-do list for his romance craved girlfriend. It is the best date she can dream and the best moment she will cherish. Give this moment to her.

Ice sledging

A little too close and a little too cozy, a couple can enjoy the togetherness and the fun felt by sledging. Cold weather and warm clothes, his arms and you in it, that creates the best combination of romance and fun.

African Safari

Don’t try to scare her too much just so she lands up in your arms. Though it’s an old trick but always works. Safari drive is the best way to ensure she stays in your arms. Just don’t forget which animal she is scared of and take her to have a closer look. Be assured, you will have the best tight hug you might have received in a long time. Try it and see for yourself.

Hot air-balloon

Two for tango on the balloon in the air surrounded by valleys and mountains and sea. That’s something! Glass of wine and arms around each other, enjoying the view in a lazy and dizzy afternoon. A few selfies and a few kiss, makes the balloon trip complete and satisfactory.

Sky Diving

“Lets hold hands and jump, honey”, won’t you like to hear your spouse say that to you, I would certainly love to. Free falling through the pull of gravity at a high velocity sounds thrilling but more adventurous is circling in the air while exchanging a kiss or two.

Horseback riding

Did you believe horse riding is only for groom on the marriage day or kids for innocent fun. Don’t let that myth settle, it is a touchy activity for couples. Be it for racing or just beach riding, it is definitely fun for both. What’s more, it is even more beautiful riding while sun sets. It is like a fairy-tale moment for both.   

Boat House

A personal time with a personal staff catering to your every need. Surrounded by water and beautiful scenic islands makes a wonderful time for the two of you. You can imagine the things you can do with no one to look and a lot to look outside. 😉 Also, perfect for landscape photography and selfies. 


Best activity to elope together to Earth’s heaven, and visiting exotic and mysterious corners of the world. Lovers can delight and indulge in the beauty of the mountains. Also, they work a leg together and shed some sweat, which is very romantic in its own way. Well, an open space and scenic beauty can also encourage for some intimacy. 

Tree house

Simplest and most available of all, a tree house is best for a couple who believes in romance. Mind it, Romance! If you go only to enjoy the scenery and nature, you need to rethink about it. Don’t disappoint your girlfriend and get into action, and instead of spending time in admiring the nature admire her. As a kid, we might have had our little tree house but nothing like this and it’s a must to visit.
Guys, Grab your girlfriend’s hand and take her for a memorable ride. Just don’t forget to add a pinch of romance in whatever you do. 😉

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