Short Story: Nova Series—Friends at the Lake
Story Title: Friends at the Lake Genre: Kids Characters: Nova, Coco (Nova's mother), Elvis (Nova's friend), Finn (Nova's friend), Rocco...
Story Title: Friends at the Lake Genre: Kids Characters: Nova, Coco (Nova's mother), Elvis (Nova's friend), Finn (Nova's friend), Rocco...
Story Title: Kat—the cat Episode 2 Genre: Kids Characters: Kat (a cat), Turty (a turtle), Piggie (a pig), Batty (little...
Story Title: Kat—the cat Episode 1 Genre: Kids Characters: Kat (a cat), Turty (a turtle), Piggie (a pig), Batty (little...
“Sounds interesting to me. How are we going to do that?” queried Dex. Every eye was on Fin and they...