Quotes: Age
Don't let your age define you! Don't let aging make you act any different! Don't be scared of growing old!...
Don't let your age define you! Don't let aging make you act any different! Don't be scared of growing old!...
"I am a child and an adult, Don't ask me to be one!" (more…)
Be strong... Not Physically but Mentally! Not all humans are good... And not all humans will give up without a...
We live even after our body dies! (more…)
Just like shoes, One may get cuts because of over use (Taking the other for granted) One might develop stains...
Sometimes you are not reflected! Sometimes life don't reflect you! (more…)
"With right ingredients, life tastes good—you wish to live (eat) more and more." (more…)
You? Onlooker — Me?Player My Life, My decisions (more…)
It's true! Everything changes as time changes! (more…)
A girl always dreams... be it for a loving future or an ambitious present! (more…)