Quotes: Night
A night has many faces; some nights are liked by some and disliked by some... yet, it makes a beautiful...
A night has many faces; some nights are liked by some and disliked by some... yet, it makes a beautiful...
There is always a better tomorrow, while you wait for it, stick to your hopes and beliefs even if it...
Don't rely on others to give you answers for your life... you are the only one to give the right...
Lock up all those memories that bothers you and stops you from living larger than life! (more…)
Cruelty is a small part of every one of us, and it can be tamed and kindness can prevail if...
You find success at a cost, and bearing that cost can sometimes be irrevocable! (more…)
It's not over, yet! And when it is, our story will be remembered for generations to come. (more…)
Choices have varied and priorities have differed. Which has led to - Changes to happen! (more…)
'Writing is an old medicine to diseases like heartache, broken-dreams, skinny hopes, fat tears and much more.' (more…)
When we daydream, we do it with a clear mind and an open heart, thus those dreams made with our...