Quotes: Money
Money says: You always let me go for 'THINGS' When you should hold me for your 'LIFE.' (more…)
Money says: You always let me go for 'THINGS' When you should hold me for your 'LIFE.' (more…)
You are strong-headed; You are able-minded; You are clear-hearted. So, don't let anyone say who you are and what you...
Don't stop! If you do, you will never reach the end point... And what's better? Reaching late or never? (more…)
People change with time and there is no escape from it. And if you can so easily stop loving someone...
The darkness is not in my heart, I live in it… Yet, I stand out with that little light still...
I AM AN ANGEL! YOU ARE AN ANGEL! We have our LIGHT, POWER & HEART & that's all is needed!...
No one will think BEST about yourself than you... No one will protect you MORE than you... No one will...
Be an opportunistic; be a go-getter... To achieve your set target by the end; you must start with an urgency...
It's how you see yourself... Rising high or the sky closing down on you!! (more…)
In modern times, everyone needs to be a tough soul to survive and float through daily waves of inconveniences... (more…)