Quotes: Music
Music touches us all! Do you agree? (more…)
Music touches us all! Do you agree? (more…)
There is always a way! Never give up... Quotes: A lesson taught to us by flowing river, which forges its...
Let's just not compare... if you know what I mean! (more…)
Everyday hasn't been fair on us, yet we floated through the hurdles and turbulence that life threw at us —...
So many times the fear of falling or loosing keeps us stuck in our present situation and never lets us...
Everyone says love binds you, though it's true to an extend, what's more defining is that love gives you the...
If you are a writer, you would know!✍ Our own personal space!! No one can stop us from entering and...
In our lives too, acceptance is the most desired emotion that keeps us alive! ♥️ (more…)
To dig deep and find tranquility, once in a while, we need our 'WE' time with a drink in hand...
Cruelty is a small part of every one of us, and it can be tamed and kindness can prevail if...