Short Song: Valentine’s Day Is Not

A Song on Valentine!

Music Courtesy: Inspiring Light Music- Youtube

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It’s your touch that makes me feel
I am alive and I am still kicking
Day and night you tell me more
how my love you have to score

Valentine’s day is not
Our day of love is our year
we celebrate everyday
Spreading our love from far away

When the day will be gone
You will stay not alone
We will rock through the year and
Till the next valentine

Listen to more songs:

Next: End Is Not The End


  • Shibani Shah

    Shibani Shah, the founder of T.I.W and the author of His Love Play, believes in the art of writing and spreading her learning through the one open communication method she understands - interacting through words. Her writing has also appeared on AnimationXpress.

    Shibani Shah

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