Quotes: A Kiss
Everyone should have that someone special to make them feel special!!! (more…)
Everyone should have that someone special to make them feel special!!! (more…)
“Sounds interesting to me. How are we going to do that?” queried Dex. Every eye was on Fin and they...
Every thought become things!! Big or small, it has effects!! (more…)
You? Onlooker — Me?Player My Life, My decisions (more…)
The best past time is to read your favourite book!! And not stop before you finish it!! ?? (more…)
The best days are spend with family!! (more…)
It's true! Everything changes as time changes! (more…)
A girl always dreams... be it for a loving future or an ambitious present! (more…)
Express my happiness through dance! It's the best way to celebrate the happiness! (more…)
Let this year be the happiest of all the years you have lived!!! (more…)