Book: His Love Play

Rony Wayne & Grace Portman — Time brought them together & their attraction brought them closer…

Synopsis of HIS LOVE PLAY:

A Romance Book | A Love Story

His Love Play On Saga FictionA troubled relationship with his parents and a turbulent childhood has colored Rony’s vision of life-long commitment and love… But steps in fresh-eyed and innocent Grace… With her humble background and simple nature, Rony finds himself susceptible to the idea of true love.

As the two lovebirds begin to fall for each other, trouble sets in paradise when Grace finds out the truth behind Rony’s attraction to her… What will Grace do once she learns about Rony’s deception? Is she prepared to walk away from Rony? And if Rony is truly in love, is he ready to experience his first heartbreak? All Rony knows is that he has finally found his pearl among all the rocks.


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  • Shibani Shah

    Shibani Shah, the founder of T.I.W and the author of His Love Play, believes in the art of writing and spreading her learning through the one open communication method she understands - interacting through words. Her writing has also appeared on AnimationXpress.

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