Poetry: Best Friend
Short Poetry: Will be called the BEST FRIEND (more…)
Short Poetry: Will be called the BEST FRIEND (more…)
Run before the time runs out Move before you're motionless Sing before your voice is lost Feel before there is...
Darkness brings light to the mind But, dark mind brings darkness! In the dark, the mind finds its wisdom And...
It protects me from people who are mean to me It protects me from people who uses me for their...
If you have a strong mind, nothing can stop you! (more…)
Short sad story: I always understand... ALWAYS!! ?? (more…)
Everyone should have that someone special to make them feel special!!! (more…)
Every thought become things!! Big or small, it has effects!! (more…)
You? Onlooker — Me?Player My Life, My decisions (more…)
The best past time is to read your favourite book!! And not stop before you finish it!! ?? (more…)