Quotes: Writing Cures
Writing cures a wounded soul, fixes a crushed heart & sparks a faded mind... Writing a day keeps your worries,...
Writing cures a wounded soul, fixes a crushed heart & sparks a faded mind... Writing a day keeps your worries,...
Once in a while, One of these days, SIT; REFLECT; REVIVE Do it repeatedly... (more…)
No one will think BEST about yourself than you... No one will protect you MORE than you... No one will...
Whatever you learn, you might forget one day... Whatever you practice, you'll remember forever!! Be it a theory, sport, language,...
You have the ultimate control on everything - time as well... Each minute is previous - don't lose on it...
Look into my eyes if you want to know how CONFIDENT I am... (more…)
Writing is an art stolen from where dreams are born (more…)
A happy mind can face the day head-on... (more…)
Learn something new from each book you read... It is an endless learning & updating process!!! (more…)
To all book lovers, never let your love for reading die!!! #BookLoversDay (more…)