Quotes: Flying Bird
Birds flap their wings when breeze fail to keep them aloft... —Trust is good, blind trust with no alertness is...
Birds flap their wings when breeze fail to keep them aloft... —Trust is good, blind trust with no alertness is...
It isn't the same... The heart that used to sing the melody of love Looking at you, it doesn't even...
For a writer, sharing the thoughts to a paper is much easier than doing it to a face! Writing the...
Every moment of our life is saved as a gallery in some parts of our brain...we even put them in...
The world is filled with minds as cunning as a wolf's... To blend well in this world, I wear what's...
Let people judge you... It is what they are best at doing... Remember not to judge yourself based on their...
Don't let people take your shine away... Harsh words and bad behavior are weapons for those who doesn't deserve your...
It is easy to get lost in eyes that takes your breath away...and leaves you speechless? (more…)
Everyone should have a moment alone to reflect within... (more…)
“Your hair. They are like the waves rushing in everywhere when it flows toward the shore. The burgundy colour feels...