Quotes: Brightest Star
Don't let people take your shine away... Harsh words and bad behavior are weapons for those who doesn't deserve your...
Don't let people take your shine away... Harsh words and bad behavior are weapons for those who doesn't deserve your...
It is easy to get lost in eyes that takes your breath away...and leaves you speechless? (more…)
Everyone should have a moment alone to reflect within... (more…)
“Your hair. They are like the waves rushing in everywhere when it flows toward the shore. The burgundy colour feels...
"I am talented not because I won it. I am talented because I was able to keep trying!" said the...
Keep your eyes open and never be scared to...walk out that door opened only for you! (more…)
Every thought become things!! Big or small, it has effects!! (more…)
The best past time is to read your favourite book!! And not stop before you finish it!! ?? (more…)
The best days are spend with family!! (more…)
Express my happiness through dance! It's the best way to celebrate the happiness! (more…)