Online Read

Quotes: Warrior

Every single woman, whether we want to recognize it or not, is a warrior! That woman, you met or didn't...

Quotes: Meditation

Reading is an act of meditation! You forget everything and become absorbed in what's on the page, and that allows...

Quarantine Life: II

'Before Covid-19, I spent money watching all movies with friends at cinema halls. After Covid-19, I spent time watching any...

Quarantine Life: I

'Before Covid-19, I was a man on a mission. After Covid-19, I am a man on the couch!' What's your #QuarantineLife like?...

Quotes: Books

Learn something new from each book you read... It is an endless learning & updating process!!! (more…)

Quotes: Run

Time is now, don't lose it... Run towards your goal, don't simply walk! A new day starts when you start!!!...

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