His Love Play: Take You Out
"Before someone else decides to take you out, I would like to make it difficult for them!" said Ron to...
"Before someone else decides to take you out, I would like to make it difficult for them!" said Ron to...
"I might be a coffee person But I like to start my day with you!" said Grace to Ron. In...
"I like to put a smile on your face!" said Ron to Grace. In 'His Love Play' — a romance...
If only life was like our favorite romantic book! (more…)
Our heart is fragile... It has learned to love and be loved from the day we started breathing... (more…)
Love should not be a SHOW—short-lived and fictional... It should be LIFE—Long-lasting and true! (more…)
It might be difficult to accept someone the way they are...only if you don't love them unconditionally! (more…)
No, you don't accept me if you have to change me first... Yes, you accept me when I change on...
Time changes so does life! Don't expect someone to love you the same way forever... (more…)
Never stop looking for love Because some day you will find the one! It takes time to meet the one...