Quotes: Heart Tells You
The Worst Is When You Ignore What Your Heart Tells You And Suffer the Consequences Later... (more…)
The Worst Is When You Ignore What Your Heart Tells You And Suffer the Consequences Later... (more…)
"Love dies if the bond of friendship is absent." You understand friendship before you learn you are in love, don't...
Short Romantic Stories "A Long Way To Go, Together!!!" Love can be described in just a few words... (more…)
Love is not a tag or a term used to define a relationship between two people; it is that one...
Everyone says love binds you, though it's true to an extend, what's more defining is that love gives you the...
Short Romantic Stories "Meet Up In Lockdown" Love can be described in just a few words... (more…)
Love you for all that you have done & all that you have sacrificed for me, dad! 😘 (more…)
People change with time and there is no escape from it. And if you can so easily stop loving someone...
You taught me how to smile... Not just in happy times But also when smile was difficult to come by!...