Life Quotes

Quotes: Know Yourself

Once you know everything about yourself, you learn to accept yourself completely. No words can ever bring you down! (more…)

Quotes: Brain

Every moment of our life is saved as a gallery in some parts of our brain...we even put them in...

Quotes: She

Yes, I am a girl! Yes, I wish a fairy tale! And no, I don't shy away from battlefields! (more…)

Quotes: Run Away

Don't run away if it is permanent... Everyone needs a break, but return when it is time to end the...

Quotes: Loss

We all cry for our own loss when we see others cry over theirs... Grieving tears softens the toughest heart...

Quotes: Play

Everyone is a player in this game called life... While playing with others, don't end up playing with yourself! (more…)

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