Quotes: Talent

“I am talented not because I won it.
I am talented because I was able to keep trying!” said the singer with a bad throat on his big day.

It is not just your talent that takes you to places, determination and persistence is important too.

Situation can be any, keep going, keep floating, you’ll never drown…

Inspirational Quotes


I am talented

Because I just float by

Without drowning!

Image Courtesy: Children’s Trust

Next: His Love Play: Your Hair


  • Shibani Shah

    Shibani Shah, the founder of T.I.W and the author of His Love Play, believes in the art of writing and spreading her learning through the one open communication method she understands - interacting through words. Her writing has also appeared on AnimationXpress.

    Shibani Shah shahshibani01@gmail.com
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