
Comics: Boss

The most fickle minded person in this world is our BOSS... Yours, mine & everyone's! And that hasn't even changed...

Comics: Foodie

How our menu has become dependent on whatever is available at home and not whatever our stomach wants. Testing times...

Comics: Lockdown

How eager are you for the lockdown to end? Crazy enough to rush out of your house like a hurricane?...

Comics: Family

Days like these are rare when we have limitless time to spend with family (at least those who are not...

Comics: Snow White

Quarantine LifeĀ brings the FAT out of you šŸ˜‰ Flash news: Due to quarantine, your summer body will be postponed by...

Comics: Ariel

Quarantine LifeĀ brings the FAT out of you šŸ˜‰ Flash news: Due to quarantine, your summer body will be postponed by...

Comics: Frozen

Quarantine LifeĀ brings the FAT out of you šŸ˜‰ Flash news: Due to quarantine, your summer body will be postponed by...

Comics: Laziness

Laziness Is Contagious! Surround yourself with active people... And don't ask a lazy person how lazy they are You'll end...

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